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Stevenage and North Herts
Athletics Club
Ridlins Athletics Stadium
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Finally some proper Cross Country Weather!


I hope that everyone has warmed up by now! There was a period in the day where it was really quite beautiful, the heavy frost everywhere and the sun, not warming you up, but peaking through a patch of blue sky….but that was about halfway through the men’s race, so not many got to experience that! Just seeing where you were going because of the fog was a challenge to the earlier starters, certainly for the spectators anyway, and yes that was ice in the standing water / puddles on the course!

It very much looked like the experience of last month’s race proved beneficial to our athletes. Their grit, determination and efforts go without saying (how impressive), but most seemed to be much happier with their own individual performances today which was brilliant. I think that anyone who got round deserves a medal, really well done.

Please see see the results page for a superb set of results once again. It is also notable how good our turnout is as a club, with far more runners at this stage of the season than for a very long time.

Final thanks need to go to those particularly cold volunteer marshals, who did the business at the furthest away point on the course. We really couldn’t have done it without you (and I am not even joking, some of us go to the Chiltern League AGM!!!)